Milton Friedman, Betsy DeVos, and the Privatization of Public Education
For almost twenty-five years, Betsy DeVos has been one of the most dogged political operatives in the movement to privatize public education.
For almost twenty-five years, Betsy DeVos has been one of the most dogged political operatives in the movement to privatize public education.
Were social movements really handmaidens to the rise of neoliberalism? A response to Nancy Fraser.
Leftists, in and out of social movements, should instead seize the opportunity that Hillary Clinton’s defeat has given them—by transforming the Democratic Party from inside.
Frightening as it is, Trumpism has many precedents in U.S. history—and the social movements of the last century, from the Southern Tenant Farmers Union to ACT UP, offer important lessons for how to fight it.
In a moment of political upheaval, it is up to the left to reject the false choices on offer and seize upon widespread discontent to redefine the terms of debate.
If the survival of a vital center is also the precondition of an active left, one of the historical tasks of the left today is to help hold the center—even as we promote a militancy all our own.
The American public does not support mass removal of immigrants. And by turning cities and campuses into sanctuaries against raids and deportations, we have the power to stop it.
The Trump camp’s response to Friday’s statement from the Hamilton cast reveals a dangerous double standard on civility.
Parties recover from defeat in two ways. They can try to beat the opposition at their own game, or they can try to change the rules of the game. Donald Trump did the latter. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn.
From India to Turkey to the Philippines, authoritarian-leaning leaders of major world democracies have refined a set of strategies to make their countries less democratic. Here are five common tactics to watch out for.
Lessons from the autocrats’ toolkit.
We can never allow Donald Trump’s politics to be normalized in the way that Ronald Reagan’s have been.
Kate and Daniel try to wrap their heads around climate politics in the age of Trump, and how movements can step up to defeat his extremist agenda.
Without realizing it, Donald Trump has politicized a generation as no other politician could have.
For millions who couldn’t vote, the day after the election was just another day of feeling dispossessed. America under Trump would do well to listen to those who must constantly fight to be heard.