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Israel’s #BlackLivesMatter Moment?  

Ethiopian-Israelis face systematic discrimination and violence at the hands of the police. But comparisons to #BlackLivesMatter in the United States do not capture the complexities of their situation.

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Booked #4: What Did Race Mean to W.E.B. Du Bois?  

Tim Shenk talked with Kwame Anthony Appiah, author of Lines of Descent: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Emergence of Identity, about how Du Bois’s experiences as a black American shaped his theories of race, and how his theories relate to politics then and now.

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Border City Blues  

It is no coincidence that the starkest reactions to police violence—from Ferguson to Baltimore—have flared in cities strung along the Mason-Dixon Line.

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Liberal Punishment  

Naomi Murakawa’s remarkable book The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America shows how, since the 1940s, liberals have provided legitimacy for the prison state.

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American Violence from Baltimore to Baghdad  

This article originally appeared at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. The choice of weapons is important because it radically affects what we are, and at stake in that choice is the risk of losing our soul. —Grégoire Chamayou I was reading …

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How Racism Became Policy in Ferguson  

The Justice Department report offers a glimpse of the systematically oppressive and petty policing in Ferguson. But in order to fully understand how racism became policy in the St. Louis suburbs, we need to look at the history of suburban development itself.

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Brooklyn Tenants Revolt  

The problems of Brooklyn’s gentrifying neighborhoods won’t be solved by a housing-market version of “ethical consumption.” It’s going to take collective action. And a new tenant movement is leading the way.