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After Dallas  

To ask what the future of Black Lives Matter has to do with Dallas is to believe that the killing of police officers is bound up in the actions of the movement. But this tragedy won’t end the movement, because the movement did not cause this tragedy.

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The Free Speech Straw Man  

Student activists—often victims of harassment, bias, and threatening language—occupy buildings not in the name of disarming free speech, but rather to remind colleges and universities that they are rightfully evaluating and critiquing the speech they hear and internalize.

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In Defense of Civility  

The danger of Trump is that he is completely removing the norms of public discourse—the same norms that have served to hold in check those unwilling to see their society transformed by greater equality and liberty.

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Ferguson Digs In Its Heels  

The city of Ferguson has reneged on its promises to reform policing practices. Its current standoff with the Justice Department reveals the stubbornness of a municipal system that combines handouts to big corporations with predatory fines for the poor.

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Booked: The War on Booze  

An interview with historian Lisa McGirr about her new book The War On Alcohol, and why Prohibition was more important than most people think.