Multiculturalism and Democracy  

A debate rages in Europe today on the role of multicultural policies in stimulating religiously motivated extremism, Islamism in particular. In this discussion, multiculturalism is generally understood as government support for the cultural and religious institutions of minority communities. The …

Workers of the Diaspora  

Jewish Workers in the Modern Diaspora Nancy L. Green, ed. University of California Press, 1998, 256 pp., $14.95 Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Work: A Century of Industry and Immigrants in Paris and New York by Nancy L. Green Duke University Press, 1997 …

Inequality and Immigration  

In his article “Immigration Dilemmas,” Richard Rothstein essentially argues (1) the impracticability of controlling immigration and (2) the economic advantages immigration confers upon American society. He also lists policies that, if adopted, would in time limit immigration. For the American …

Immigration Dilemmas  

During the presidential campaign, Bill Clinton delivered a foreign policy speech in Los Angeles; the first question from the audience was a predictable, “Who are your foreign policy advisers going to be?” Clinton demurred, calling such considerations premature. Next, a …

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1 Being an American, we have been told repeatedly, is a complex fate, and being an American writer still more so: traditions ruptured, loyalties disheveled. Yet consider how much more complex, indeed, how utterly aggravating, it could have been to …