Mr. Lonely
Some have suggested that young men are drawn to Andrew Tate because they suffer from a dearth of social contact. Yet men go to Tate not to alleviate loneliness but to intensify it.
Some have suggested that young men are drawn to Andrew Tate because they suffer from a dearth of social contact. Yet men go to Tate not to alleviate loneliness but to intensify it.
Matt and Sam welcome Dorothy Fortenberry back to the podcast to discuss gender, the 2024 election, and whether or not women can run against “the System.”
There has long been a gap between stereotypical ideas of women’s empowerment and gendered reality. Barbie explores these contradictions in miniature.
Women Talking is about the struggle to unearth a language capable of describing profound desires for freedom and safety.
Matt and Sam join Moira Donegan and Adrian Daub to discuss the life and work of an anti-feminist, neoconservative icon.
Join Sarah Jones and Zoe Hu for a discussion on stay-at-home girlfriends and feminism.
Minority rule is a major obstacle to ensuring abortion rights.
In an increasingly expensive and antisocial world, tradwives forsake life with others for the lonely, constrictive spaces of bourgeois ownership.
An interview with Loretta J. Ross.
A roundtable on Dobbs and organized labor.
Religious conservatives see “anti-eugenic” state laws as the most promising avenue for establishing a federal ban on abortion. Much of the feminist left is ill-equipped to deal with this threat.
Even in the Roe era, access to abortion was limited, hard-fought, and dependent on local conditions.
Introducing our Winter 2023 special section, “Feminism After Dobbs.”
A preview of our Winter 2023 issue.
The massive protests in Iran, fueled by the audacity of young women and children, are rooted in over a century of struggle.