Bernie Sanders and the Spiritual Case for Socialism
If Bernie Sanders is going to win the hearts and minds of the American public, he will need to emphasize socialism’s moral—and, moreover, religious—foundations.
If Bernie Sanders is going to win the hearts and minds of the American public, he will need to emphasize socialism’s moral—and, moreover, religious—foundations.
What was missing from Bernie Sanders’s democratic socialism speech and policy agenda is just as interesting as what was included.
A selection of key essays on democratic socialism from the Dissent archives.
Leftists will never entirely be released from the obligation to engage with the Democratic Party, but the left’s strength, and its power, will always lie outside formal politics.
With a counter-argument from Michael Kazin.
Political parties are essential to a healthy democracy. And right now, for Americans on the left, the Democrats are the only party we have.
With a counter-argument from David Marcus.
At the risk of seeming ridiculous, I think Sherrod Brown should run for president. I know that, barring a debilitating health problem or a horrible scandal, Hillary Clinton is likely to capture the Democratic nomination. I realize too that Brown, …
Since the Clinton administration, we have seen growing concern about income inequality, the clear failure of TANF to work as a safety net program, and that effectively ending welfare has not stopped Republicans from mounting new attacks on the poor. All of this indicates the urgency of reopening the welfare debate and initiating a public discussion that challenges archaic conservative ideas about poverty.