Should We Disrupt the Democratic Party or Take It Over?
As much as organizers might wish for strategic unity, movements are diverse and messy formations that involve both inside and outside politics.
As much as organizers might wish for strategic unity, movements are diverse and messy formations that involve both inside and outside politics.
If there’s a lesson to be derived from Gary Dorrien’s account of American socialism, it’s that the movement’s open participation in and with the broad democratic left benefits the socialist cause.
The work of the left at this moment is to understand what new spaces have opened up and how to build upon them.
Introducing our Winter 2022 special section, “Beyond Bidenomics.”
What happens to progressives who give up on progress?
A look at our most-read articles this year.
The election of Gabriel Boric and the ongoing process to write a new constitution present a historic opportunity for the left to shape a new social pact in Chile.
An interview with Kate Aronoff about her new book Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet—And How We Fight Back.
The PRO Act would establish a baseline for ensuring that working people can fight for and win transformative climate policies that benefit everyone.
We must recognize and compensate for the intrinsic political weaknesses of taxation—and specifically progressive taxation—through the alternative fiscal strategy of economic democracy.
Rather than bypassing the problem of power by putting our faith in MMT’s printing press, we need a strategy to rebuild the tax state and move toward economic democracy.
A replicable strategy for organizing the jobless on a mass scale has yet to emerge. The future may depend on finding one.
We haven’t seen much to suggest that last summer’s uprising pushed persuadable voters to the Republican Party. And in a number of states, the protests ignited voter registration efforts that directly helped Democratic candidates.
If Howe’s intellectual evolution has meaning for today’s left, it is to be found in his struggle to transcend sectarian mindsets while remaining principled.
We’re partnering with our friends at Verso Books to offer you a winter reading list curated by our editors.
America’s trail systems embody a conservationist ethic in support of leisure. Their construction was the essence of public work: not for profit but a common good.