Why Fighting Air Pollution and Stopping Climate Change Aren’t the Same Thing
Unless it’s done right, fighting air pollution in cities like Beijing and Delhi won’t necessarily reduce carbon emissions.
Unless it’s done right, fighting air pollution in cities like Beijing and Delhi won’t necessarily reduce carbon emissions.
Bernie Sanders’s climate plan offers a welcome alternative to the vagueness of the Paris Agreement. But to win over a broader public, a leftist climate agenda will require a vision of a “just transition” that goes beyond our energy system.
As Alaska warms and glaciers melt, state leaders continue to ignore the role of fossil fuels in climate change and press for additional oil development.
Economic insecurity produces insatiable demands on nature. This is the point where environmentalist and egalitarian projects meet.
We can’t just sue our way to climate justice, but litigation is one tool that activists can use to sway public opinion and hold those in power to account.
Jedediah Purdy explains why there is no more “nature” independent of human activity—and what that means for our politics.
Proponents of geoengineering imagine that technology can operate in a political void. It’s a dangerous illusion.
In Ecuador, to oppose resource extraction is to be an enemy of the state.
It would be nice to hear it straight for once. Stopping climate change means giving up on growth.
Three years after Boulder citizens voted to de-privatize their electricity and create a public utility, the city’s effort remains stalled. Can the municipalization experiment still succeed—and provide a model for other U.S. cities seeking to go green?
An optimistic environmentalist may sound like an oxymoron (or perhaps just a moron). Yet a growing number of greens are putting a positive spin on our planetary emergency. Should more of us start thinking like them?
When unionized oil workers at the Tesoro Golden Eagle plant in Martinez, California walked off the job on February 1 to demand safer working conditions, they received some unexpected company on the picket line. Since the beginning of the strike, …
On Thursday, February 12, I walked into Massachusetts Hall with thirty-three other Divest Harvard members and began a twenty-four-hour sit-in outside Harvard President Drew Faust’s office. Amidst the intensity, chaos, stress, and excitement of those hours, I learned an enduring …
Buzz by Benjamin Kunkel Directed by Lian Walden Gemini & Scorpio Loft, Brooklyn, NY Bodies in mock hazmat suits unpack a faux Gowanus loft apartment in which everything is white, while you sit on a brown couch chatting with a …
This post originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. Less than two weeks have passed and yet it isn’t too early to say it: the People’s Climate March changed the social map—many maps, in fact, since hundreds of smaller marches took place in 162 …