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Occupy the Party  

If Sanders does not triumph in 2016, how can those who thrilled at the prospect of a socialist president keep their movement going? One way would be to turn the Sanders platform into the agenda for a new, anti-corporate organization—a Tea Party of the left.

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Asking About Abortion  

While Hillary Clinton’s and Bernie Sander’s positions and voting records on abortion may be similar, Clinton has engaged more proactively with the issue, even if not always perfectly.

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The Next Majority  

No matter who becomes the Democrats’ nominee, Bernie Sanders’s campaign marks a sea change within the Democratic Party.

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Sanders and the S Word  

Why does the white-haired firebrand from Vermont insist on identifying himself with socialism, a political faith that has never been popular in the United States?

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Bernie Is Not the New Obama—And That’s a Good Thing  

Bernie Sanders’ surge in recent national polls has brought inevitable comparisons to an insurgent candidate whose enthusiastic young supporters took Hillary Clinton by surprise eight years ago. But Sanders’s campaign is of a very different kind than Obama’s, with deeper potential and a different measure of success.

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Beyond the Polluters  

Bernie Sanders’s climate plan offers a welcome alternative to the vagueness of the Paris Agreement. But to win over a broader public, a leftist climate agenda will require a vision of a “just transition” that goes beyond our energy system.