The Reparations Debate
How should the struggle for reparations for slavery fit into a broader political strategy for the left?
How should the struggle for reparations for slavery fit into a broader political strategy for the left?
What do the crimes of a Navy SEAL tell us about U.S. military culture?
Without unions to institutionalize them, waves of activism dissipate. As the nation and the labor movement shift to the left, progressives need to push forward policies and politics that strengthen those working-class organizations.
If Andrew Yang’s fans are this excited about UBI, imagine how they’ll feel when they learn what socialism can do for them.
Two years ago, New York implemented a program promising free tuition. But policies that don’t offer support to part-time students only deepen inequality in higher education.
Our Revolution’s political director assesses the left’s midterm achievements and discusses the organization’s plan to build a progressive mass movement and transform the Democratic Party.
As liberal comedy flounders, Chapo Trap House issues a welcome corrective—a brand of humor that is not just combative, but offers a systemic explanation for capitalism’s ills.
In a year of pivotal midterm elections, the rising left wing of the Democratic party is distinguished as much by how it organizes as the policies it advocates.
A crucial new work of generational analysis explores how society turned millennials into human capital.
Medicare for All has moved from radical to mainstream in a span of just months. Michael Lighty of National Nurses United joins us to talk about the role of healthcare workers in the fight for single-payer.
Last week, in a highly anticipated union election, workers at a Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi voted against unionizing with the UAW. Chris Brooks from Labor Notes joins us to talk about the result.
At the Democratic Socialists of America’s biannual convention last weekend, the young new members making up most of the attendance were out and proud about their socialism. It’s been a long time coming.
Secular and religious progressives should work together to reach beyond blue strongholds and forcefully show that moral concerns are not limited to the religious right.
Actor and activist Danny Glover and worker Morris Mock talk about the March on Mississippi and the fight for a union at the state’s Nissan plant.
Why do they keep marching off the same cliff? Instead of one doomed, issueless campaign after another, the Democrats need a new class politics.