At the Women’s Marches

At the Women’s Marches

Dissent editors reflect on the weekend’s marches.

Michael Walzer and granddaughter Katya Barrett. Photo by Joanne Barkan.

Dissent editors reflect on the weekend’s marches.

Michelle Chen: Inaugurating a New Movement

“Saturday was emphatically not about the presidency. It expressed the sheer horror that jolted millions out of political insularity, to reexamine their political engagement and ponder what to do next—which, everyone seemed to agree, cannot be limited to voting.” Read more…

Nicolaus Mills: New York’s Homegrown Women’s March

“The 53 percent of white women who voted for Trump represent a major political constituency; but if Saturday was any indication, they may before long be outnumbered by the likes of the marchers I saw holding signs that said, ‘Women are not up for grabs.'” Read more…

Jedediah Purdy: Redefining Solidarity

“If we are going to spend the next four years—or much more—arguing about the meaning of solidarity, well, that is a fight the left should welcome. We can fight over who ‘the people’ are and make the case that everyone who lives and works here deserves a political voice and the preconditions of a dignified, secure life. . . . Both the Raleigh, North Carolina march and the national one were full of promise in this regard.” Read more…

Michael Walzer: (Grand)father of Nasty Women

“Someone on the march told me that this was the best line I had ever written. . . .” Read more…