Hot & Bothered Podcast #1: Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels, with Bill McKibben and Tara Houska
Hot & Bothered Podcast #1: Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels, with Bill McKibben and Tara Houska
In the inaugural episode of Hot & Bothered, we explore the growing fight against fossil fuel extraction, with guests Bill McKibben and Tara Houska.

In the inaugural episode of Hot & Bothered, we tackle the growing fight against fossil fuel extraction. What are the latest developments in this escalating movement? Is fracking even worse than we thought? How are Native American communities leading the climate fight? And how do these struggles intersect with longer-running battles for social and and economic justice? This week we talk to Bill McKibben, longtime author and environmentalist and a co-founder of, as well as Tara Houska, director at Honor the Earth, tribal rights attorney, and Bernie Sanders’s chief advisor on Native American issues.
We also catch up with the Break Free protests in Albany, New York and elsewhere, and we round up recent news on the wildfire burning Fort McMurray, Obama’s Clean Power Plan, the environmental consequences of the soft coup in Brazil, and the signing of the Paris climate agreement.
Listeners: we want to hear from you! Send us your feedback at #HotBotheredClimate. Tweet burning questions you want us to address, compliments, complaints, or any other reactions. And stay tuned for episode two next month, featuring an extended conversation with Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate.
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Brazil prepares to roll back green laws (Climate News Network)
Hazardous smoke and hot spots slow re-entry plans for Fort McMurray (CBC)
Thousands protest ‘bomb trains’ and environmental racism in Albany (Waging Nonviolence)
26 Attorneys General Are Suing The EPA. The Public Only Agrees With Them In 3 States. (Think Progress)
Obama administration announces historic new regulations for methane emissions from oil and gas (Washington Post)
By our guestsBill McKibben: Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry (The Nation)
Tara Houska: Government Promises, COP21 and People’s Power (Huffington Post)
By your hostsKate Aronoff: Can the climate movement break free from the ‘jobs vs. environment’ debate? (Waging Nonviolence)
Daniel Aldana Cohen: Time to Pull the Plug on Urban Fossil Consumption (Verso online)