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Can We Democratize AI?  

Artificial intelligence has often been adopted in ways that reinforce exploitation and domination. But that doesn’t mean we should greet all new AI tools with refusal.

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Chevron’s Intimidation Campaign  

The oil company hopes that the imprisonment of Steven Donziger has a chilling effect on environmental litigation. But it might have galvanized a new generation to take on the fossil fuel industry.

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Why Do We Call the Police?  

An interview with Derecka Purnell, the author of Becoming Abolitionists, about what makes communities unsafe—and how she went from calling 911 to fighting for abolition.

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Deadly Games  

In the spectacularly violent world of Squid Game, exploitation and brutality are built on the illusion of choice.

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Free Abortion Across Borders  

Following Mexico’s Supreme Court ruling to decriminalize abortion, feminists in the country continue to help people access care. Their work can serve as a model for U.S. activists navigating the limits of state health services.