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Baseball’s Labor Wars  

MLB owners’ recent lockout was an effort to reverse the gains that players had won over decades of labor struggle. The owners failed.

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The History of Sanctions  

Nicholas Mulder’s account of the modern economic sanctions regime sheds new light on an era of extreme destabilization and destruction.

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The Seeds of War  

Putin sees Russian statehood and Russian national and linguistic identity as inextricably connected, and he is willing to spill Russian and Ukrainian blood to protect this nationalist vision.

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Our Ukraine  

The Russian invasion has forced peaceful, ordinary people to risk their lives. Many are fighting because they believe in a Ukraine that welcomes all its citizens and recognizes the rights they all possess.

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Toxic Finance  

The spread of COVID-19 in classrooms has revealed an infrastructure problem made worse by the way the United States finances improvements to school buildings.

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Todd Gitlin, 1943–2022  

Todd Gitlin, activist, academic, writer, and longtime member of Dissent’s editorial board, died on February 5. Here he is remembered by his friends, colleagues, and comrades.