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The Senators Will Bear the Burden  

Click here to read the rest of our election symposium. 2012 may be remembered as the presidential election in which we chose between candidates about whom we could not be sure who they really were. Neither man was a new …

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Divorcing the Drones  

Click here to read the rest of our election symposium. All the talk in Pakistan in the weeks before the U.S election was about divorce. The question posed to the two candidates in the last presidential debate—“Is it time for …

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Climate Cowardice and the Pugnacity of Hope  

Click here to read the rest of our election symposium. “It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious,” the poet Christopher Morley once quipped. “He learned the habit from Nature.” And indeed, after the Arctic ice sheet …

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A Charter for the 99 Percent  

Now, the next phase of a 99 percent movement needs to get—and keep—busy. Why do I say “next phase”? Because the Occupy movement that came about in 2011 has accomplished just about as much of its mission as possible.

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Fathers and Sons  

P.T. Anderson is less interested in structures and institutions than in the psychological and archetypal nature of his bigger-than-life, sometimes mad characters. And so his latest film, The Master, isn’t the docudrama about a Scientology-like cult that some people expected it to be.

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The Flint Sit-Down Strike in Comics  

The storied Sit-Down Strike in Flint, Michigan has a special significance for today. Led in large part by left-wingers—Communist, Socialist, and Trotskyist alike—it was, more important, the most dramatic part of a movement that swept across the nation. Not so …

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Chicago Teachers on Strike  

Update (9/10): read Bill Barclay’s background on the strike here. Update (9/12): watch Dissent contributor and editorial board member Joanne Barkan discuss the strike on Al Jazeera English. After unsuccessful negotiations between Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union, …