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Segregation’s Long Shadow  

What is remarkable in Ferguson is not just the way segregation has been sustained, but the way it maps so cleanly onto patterns of economic disadvantage.

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Unite Queer  

Out in the Union, a new book by Miriam Frank, shows that unions have been crucial to the growth and success of the modern LGBT rights movement.

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Why Tokyo Is Burning  

There were large demonstrations this week in Tokyo in response to the government’s move to reinterpret Article Nine of Japan’s Constitution, in which “the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation.” The prominent support Shinzō Abe’s forceful tactics enjoy among American officials raises questions about who he sees as his key political audience.

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Occupy Central: The Migrant Workers in Democracy’s Blind Spot  

Hong Kongers have never been quite comfortable discussing the 300,000 migrant domestic workers, most of whom are female, to which the city currently plays host. Complicating the discussion further is the media’s tendency to steer such discussions from issues of fair wages and workplace safety toward the still more vexing question of citizenship.

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The Souls of Black Teachers: Reading José Luis Vilson with W. E. B. Du Bois  

The schools of New York are now more segregated than at any point in the state’s history, and are the most segregated schools in the nation. New York City math teacher José Luis Vilson’s This Is Not A Test is a powerful account of how today’s resegregation holds back students of color—and how black and Latino teachers can fight back.

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Rock Against Racism  

Rock-and-roll fans tend to see the rock culture of the 1950s and ‘60s as both a reinvention of American popular music and a force for self-expression and liberal culture. Two new books show what this account leaves out: rock and roll’s frontal assault on American racism.