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War Games  

Vietnam shook to its foundations the sense of America that reigned when the Army and Navy football teams faced off in their legendary 1964 game.

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Letter from Marseille  

As “urban renewal” threatens to further marginalize the city’s poor, Marseille activists are demonstrating that genuine cultural, environmental, and social renewal can go hand in hand.

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Bosnia: Still Waiting for Spring  

Early this year, Bosnians rose up against their dysfunctional government and the kleptocratic neoliberalism it enforces. But their invigorating experiment in direct democracy has since lost momentum. What’s left of the Bosnian Thaw?

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Mexico On the Brink  

Why, after nearly a decade of drug war violence, police incompetence, judicial impunity, and official corruption, have Mexicans suddenly taken to the streets to demand political change? And can Peña Nieto’s proposed reforms do anything to stem this wave of unrest?

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A Voice Still Heard: Three Essays by Irving Howe  

In celebration of a new anthology of Howe’s writing, we present three of his essays not previously published in Dissent: “This Age of Conformity” (1954), “The New York Intellectuals” (1969), and “Strangers” (1977).