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Cuba’s Democratic Left  

Outside of Cuba, debate around the future of the island hangs on a misleading binary: free-market capitalism or bust. Consistently written out of the picture are Cuba’s democratic socialists—a few of whom I caught up with on a recent trip.

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The Revolution in Rojava  

The Kurds of northern Syria are building an enclave of radical democracy and feminism in the middle of a devastating war—and beating back ISIS in the process. Why aren’t more leftists paying attention?

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Between Labour and a Hard Place  

The ideological gap between Labour and the Tories is larger today than at any time in the past twenty years. But will the popularity of Labour’s social-democratic program prevail over lukewarm support for its leader—and the rise of the far right?

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Hong Kong’s Oligarchy  

In its call for electoral democracy, the Umbrella movement sought to challenge China’s tight grip on Hong Kong politics. But Hong Kong’s protesters have yet to confront the deeper interests tying their future to that of the mainland.

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Uncle Sohail’s Second Wife  

For one odd, brief, and singular moment, the catastrophes of my family and my country had come together, showing me how they were woven together, knotted and inextricable. . . .

An excerpt from The Upstairs Wife: An Intimate History of Pakistan.

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Taking Back the Grid  

Three years after Boulder citizens voted to de-privatize their electricity and create a public utility, the city’s effort remains stalled. Can the municipalization experiment still succeed—and provide a model for other U.S. cities seeking to go green?