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The Polish Right in Triumph  

The tide of anti-refugee hysteria sweeping Europe brought Poland’s right-wing, autocratic-leaning PiS (Law and Justice) party a stunning victory in last weekend’s elections, pushing the country’s electoral left even further to the margins.

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Less Work, More Time  

Feminists shouldn’t just call for a better balance between waged work and housework—between work and work. We should do the unimaginable: ask for more time.

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Toxic Frontiers  

The Animas River spill highlighted the toxic legacy of the Gold Rush era—an era whose abuses U.S. mining companies are now repeating abroad.

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Uber for Tutors?  

The race to build the biggest and baddest on-demand tutoring platform is on. But is this just another case of “old wine, new bottle” from Silicon Valley?

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Three Cubas  

As the United States reopens its embassy in Cuba, we offer three accounts of the country’s aging dictatorship, and what the future could hold.