Worlds in Waiting: The Promise of Little Magazines
By remaining outside the mainstream, little magazines can articulate those demands and alternatives that are just left of the possible. Our hope is that these ideas will trickle up.
By remaining outside the mainstream, little magazines can articulate those demands and alternatives that are just left of the possible. Our hope is that these ideas will trickle up.
In a special roundtable, Kathi Weeks, Darrick Hamilton, and Alyssa Battistoni examine the contending proposals for a universal basic income and a federal job guarantee.
A universal basic income is the best way, at this juncture, to respond to the inadequacies of the wage system.
A federal job guarantee would go a long way toward addressing racial disparities and building an inclusive U.S. economy.
A universal basic income suggests a new vision of environmental justice.
Sheldon Wolin dedicated his career to championing not just a new politics but a new kind of politics—one that refused to substitute top-down administration for the messy uncertainties of democracy.
The tide of anti-refugee hysteria sweeping Europe brought Poland’s right-wing, autocratic-leaning PiS (Law and Justice) party a stunning victory in last weekend’s elections, pushing the country’s electoral left even further to the margins.
Jonathan Franzen’s quixotic war against the internet
Feminists shouldn’t just call for a better balance between waged work and housework—between work and work. We should do the unimaginable: ask for more time.
Political scientists Dorothy Solinger and Mark Frazier talk to Jeffrey Wasserstrom about China’s often overlooked urban poor, and how their conditions are—and aren’t—changing.
The Animas River spill highlighted the toxic legacy of the Gold Rush era—an era whose abuses U.S. mining companies are now repeating abroad.
The race to build the biggest and baddest on-demand tutoring platform is on. But is this just another case of “old wine, new bottle” from Silicon Valley?
Unlike the bracing feminist essay it is based on, Learning to Drive struggles to move beyond fantasy and stereotypes.
Progressives outside of Europe have long seen the EU as a constructive force in the world and its creature the euro as a symbol of the European social model. To read the new Greek memorandum is to lose those illusions.
As the United States reopens its embassy in Cuba, we offer three accounts of the country’s aging dictatorship, and what the future could hold.