Targeted use of revenue from commodities can be an immediate and necessary salve against brutal levels of poverty and inequality, but Chavismo’s “extractivist” model has left Venezuela as vulnerable as ever to the whims of the international market.
Populism is extremely limited if it is not coupled with highly organized grassroots movements with the ability to shape politics from the ground up.
If there is any positive aspect to Brazil’s current crisis, it is the reemergence of non-partisan, civil-society mobilization in response to impeachment and its fallout.
The central protagonists of Latin America’s profound shift away from the neoliberal policies of the 1980s and ‘90s were not strong leaders but social movements.
Democratic socialism cannot emerge exclusively, or even primarily, from the grassroots—it implies the structuring of social resources in ways that require government action.
In casting its lot with the undemocratic European Union, the British left is making a profound mistake.
Crazed free-marketeers and unashamed racists have brought the UK to the brink of leaving Europe. Despite the EU’s neoliberal character, only a Remain vote will allow us to take responsibility for the future political direction of a continent that we cannot escape.
In an extended interview, author and activist Naomi Klein discusses the Leap Manifesto, and what it will take to get us to a just, carbon-free world.
FreshDirect’s move to an already heavily polluted neighborhood begs the question: who benefits from public land in a borough that is at once an industrial sacrifice zone and the target of aggressive gentrification?
Whether they realize it or not, millions of Bernie Sanders supporters across the country have embraced a version of socialism developed by political economist Karl Polanyi in his 1944 classic, The Great Transformation. Dissent explains.
An interview with Christopher Phelps, co-author with Howard Brick of Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War.
In the inaugural episode of Hot & Bothered, we explore the growing fight against fossil fuel extraction, with guests Bill McKibben and Tara Houska.
Ignazio Silone’s 1936 classic served as a moral compass to a generation of U.S. leftists seeking alternatives both to capitalism and to Soviet-style communism.
Trump’s astounding rise isn’t the result of too much democracy, but of too little.
Business interests and politics have long factionalized the Turkish press. With the government cracking down harder than ever on its opponents, the media is now moving from diversity toward monopoly.