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Unionizing the Digital Newsroom  

In unionizing, digital media workers have laid claim to a powerful lineage of newsroom organizing. But is there more they could learn from the militant newshounds of the past?

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France on the Brink  

François Hollande has failed to provide voters with a credible alternative on issues of national security—a failure which has splintered the left and created a dangerous opening for the far-right.

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Austerity as Blood Sport  

In The Purge: Election Year, campy blockbuster horror meets class war and offers a refreshing solution to mass, ritualized violence: collective action.

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Chavismo’s Crumbling Economic Foundations  

Targeted use of revenue from commodities can be an immediate and necessary salve against brutal levels of poverty and inequality, but Chavismo’s “extractivist” model has left Venezuela as vulnerable as ever to the whims of the international market.

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Populism and the People  

The central protagonists of Latin America’s profound shift away from the neoliberal policies of the 1980s and ‘90s were not strong leaders but social movements.

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The Right-Wing Roots of Britain’s EU Referendum  

Crazed free-marketeers and unashamed racists have brought the UK to the brink of leaving Europe. Despite the EU’s neoliberal character, only a Remain vote will allow us to take responsibility for the future political direction of a continent that we cannot escape.

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Who Benefits from Public Land in the Bronx?  

FreshDirect’s move to an already heavily polluted neighborhood begs the question: who benefits from public land in a borough that is at once an industrial sacrifice zone and the target of aggressive gentrification?