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Whose Homes?  

Nancy Daniel’s mortgage was repackaged and sold so many times that it was unclear who actually owned the house, until she started getting letters threatening foreclosure. Occupy Our Homes Atlanta helped her fight back.

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Peru’s Rising Democratic Left  

In a country where left politics has been marred by decades of sectarian strife and a devastating civil war, can a new coalition of socialists, feminists, and greens point a more democratic way forward—and win?

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The Pathbreaking Ruth Bader Ginsburg  

Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik’s Notorious RBG is an insightful and charming account of a woman who, by challenging unjust and sexist laws and defending constitutional definitions of equality over a period of two decades, defined and articulated many of the freedoms that Americans—both men and women—enjoy today.

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Into the Institutions  

The left neglects the institutional structures of democracy at its own peril. In his latest book, political theorist Jeremy Waldron offers a welcome corrective.

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Turkey’s Cyclical Coups  

Amid mass purges, arbitrary detention, and a top-down restructuring of state and society, the Turkish government’s response to July’s failed military takeover is starting to look a lot like earlier coups.

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The French Left Divided  

This summer, France’s Socialist government quashed the country’s largest wave of strikes of protests in a generation to impose a drastic overhaul of French labor law, revealing deeper fault lines in the process.

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Unionizing the Digital Newsroom  

In unionizing, digital media workers have laid claim to a powerful lineage of newsroom organizing. But is there more they could learn from the militant newshounds of the past?

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France on the Brink  

François Hollande has failed to provide voters with a credible alternative on issues of national security—a failure which has splintered the left and created a dangerous opening for the far-right.

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Austerity as Blood Sport  

In The Purge: Election Year, campy blockbuster horror meets class war and offers a refreshing solution to mass, ritualized violence: collective action.