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France: Seeds of a New Green Left?  

Amid disenchantment with mainstream politics, tensions between Socialists and Greens, and a string of disappointments from outgoing president François Hollande, activists known as zadistes have taken the defense of the environment into their own hands—and met formidable police repression.

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How Tax Policy Created the 1%  

From the 1920s to today, American tax policy has evolved to reflect one principle—the investor comes first—with disastrous implications for the rest of us.

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The Trouble with Macron  

In this year’s unpredictable campaign, Emmanuel Macron’s business-friendly liberalism could be enough to spare France from the National Front. But in the long run, it’s no safe bet against the populist far right.

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Monsanto’s Superfund Secret  

Radioactive waste piles, groundwater pollution, mercury emissions, and poisoned livestock: these are just some of the costs of producing the world’s most widely used herbicide.

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What’s the Matter with Iowa?  

Having gained “trifecta” control over the state’s government in November, Iowa Republicans are implementing a big-business agenda with astounding speed—and devastating implications for workers.

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A Women’s Strike Reader  

In support of the International Women’s Strike on March 8th—a day of action planned by women in more than fifty different countries—Dissent presents a series of socialist feminist highlights from our archives.