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What’s the Matter with Iowa?  

Having gained “trifecta” control over the state’s government in November, Iowa Republicans are implementing a big-business agenda with astounding speed—and devastating implications for workers.

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A Women’s Strike Reader  

In support of the International Women’s Strike on March 8th—a day of action planned by women in more than fifty different countries—Dissent presents a series of socialist feminist highlights from our archives.

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The Return of Border Discrimination  

A product of the civil rights era, the 1965 Immigration Act changed the United States in ways its supporters could hardly imagine. But will the principle of open immigration withstand Trump’s presidency?

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France: The Death of the Elephants  

With this year’s elections, French politics has become less predictable than at any time since the founding of the Fifth Republic. It remains to be seen whether this volatility will reward the left—or the populist far right.