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Booked: The Ideology of Cheap Stuff  

What do Black Friday, chicken nuggets, and Christopher Columbus tell us about the history of capitalism? We ask Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore, authors of the new book A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things.

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When Democracy Isn’t Popular  

Trump’s admiration for despots is by now well known. But why do a majority of Filipinos still support President Rodrigo Duterte—even as they fear someone close to them will be killed in his drug war?

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Peace on Paper  

Division still rules politics in Northern Ireland. But some organizers are working to reach across the walls.

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Radical Adaptation  

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New York grassroots groups have charted an inspiring alternative to disaster capitalism.

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How did a sculptor with neo-Confederate leanings find a home in one of the twentieth century’s most influential liberal salons?

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Why Trump Won Rural America  

Almost a year later, pundits are still struggling to understand why Trump won so handily in rural America. The answer lies in the failure of the political system to address, or even acknowledge, small-town economic struggles.