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Free College, Strings Attached  

Two years ago, New York implemented a program promising free tuition. But policies that don’t offer support to part-time students only deepen inequality in higher education.

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How to Confront the Courts  

Trump has faithfully carried out a conservative remaking of the federal courts. Progressives need a strategy not just to win elections, but to overcome judicial challenges to popular policy.

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A Soft Coup in Guatemala  

President Jimmy Morales kicked out an international anti-corruption commission established at the end of the country’s decades-long civil war. In doing so, he provoked a constitutional crisis.

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Where the Caravan Stopped  

Thousands of asylum seekers living in shelters at the U.S.-Mexico border face an uncertain future. Thousands more are heading north. A report from Tijuana.

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Can We Scale Down Big Tech?  

Scandal at Facebook and the Amazon headquarters search charade have prompted renewed calls to break up big tech companies. But we need to go beyond trustbusting to rein in Silicon Valley.

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Myths of Maoism  

In recounting how a group of politically engaged scholars sought to extend solidarity to East Asia in the 1968 era, a new book falls into many of the same pitfalls as the scholars it profiles.

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Zoning for the 1%  

The rezoning of northern Manhattan has exposed the failings of New York City’s top-down housing program, which puts the profits of landlords and developers over the rights of tenants.