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A Housing Economy for the Many  

Housing is a fundamental necessity, but a growing number of people are unable to afford the cost of living in major cities. To deal with the crisis, we need to roll back the financialization of housing.

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The Fight for Rent Control  

In the early twentieth century, immigrant tenant organizers made rent control laws a reality. Today, with new coalitions gathering strength and progressive lawmakers elected in Albany, working-class New Yorkers have a chance to once again strike a blow for housing justice.

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The Center Falters in Germany  

The decline of the historically dominant center-right and center-left parties in Germany and in the recent EU elections sets the stage for greater conflict over how to deal with Europe’s multiple crises.

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Ayn Rand and the Cruel Heart of Neoliberalism  

Trump is in most ways a Rand villain—a businessman who relies on cronyism and manipulation of government. Yet he praises The Fountainhead: “It relates to business, beauty, life and inner emotions. The book relates to . . . everything.”

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A Trumpist Constitution?  

Conservative judges are advancing a vision of a country divided by religion, culture, and race, where Christians, white men, and corporate interests get special constitutional protection. We need a strategy to respond.