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The Center Falters in Germany  

The decline of the historically dominant center-right and center-left parties in Germany and in the recent EU elections sets the stage for greater conflict over how to deal with Europe’s multiple crises.

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Ayn Rand and the Cruel Heart of Neoliberalism  

Trump is in most ways a Rand villain—a businessman who relies on cronyism and manipulation of government. Yet he praises The Fountainhead: “It relates to business, beauty, life and inner emotions. The book relates to . . . everything.”

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A Trumpist Constitution?  

Conservative judges are advancing a vision of a country divided by religion, culture, and race, where Christians, white men, and corporate interests get special constitutional protection. We need a strategy to respond.

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Water Democracy  

Farmers in New Mexico have banded together to protect scarce water resources from developments that could end their way of life. Their collective activity is a model for grassroots politics in the age of climate change.

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Daniel Bell at 100  

Bell never quite reconciled the Jewish conservative and the Yiddish radical within him. This tension helped generate some of his most important and creative insights.

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New Youth in China  

On the hundredth anniversary of a youth movement that kickstarted the Chinese Communist Party, student activists are using Marxism to rebel against the party.

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The Venezuelan Crisis  

Socialists need to fight against the dangerous and destabilizing actions of the Venezuelan opposition and the United States, while supporting the vast majority of the Venezuelan people in their struggle to regain democracy.

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Making the Monument  

At the dedication for the Lincoln Memorial, President Harding portrayed Lincoln as the president who “maintained union and nationality” rather than the president who ended slavery. Changing the monument’s meaning took political struggle.