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Ann Snitow, 1943–2019  

Ann Snitow, feminist writer, teacher, activist, and longtime member of Dissent’s editorial board, died on Saturday, August 10. Here she is remembered by her friends, colleagues, and comrades.

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Citizen Brown  

On the history of dispossession, disinvestment, and discrimination that formed the backdrop to the killing of Michael Brown.

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From Police Violence to the City Budget  

The Ferguson Uprising sparked renewed interest in understanding the link between municipal fines and racial surveillance—a relationship that made tragedies like the death of Michael Brown less moments of rupture than logical endpoints.

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Hong Kong’s Fight for Life  

Hong Kong has justified its existence as an interface between Western neoliberal globalism and China’s statist authoritarian capitalism. China no longer needs the city to play that role; Hong Kongers desperately need an alternative.

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Puerto Rico Remade  

The historic protests that forced the resignation of Ricardo Roselló have not ushered in a revolution. But Puerto Ricans now believe they have a future and are willing to fight for it.

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To Build a Movement  

Michael Walzer’s Political Action, written nearly half a century ago, contains many useful guidelines for organizers today. But social movements are often messy and unpredictable affairs.