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Liberalism After Rawls, with Katrina Forrester  

Katrina Forrester’s In the Shadow of Justice explores the world that shaped the ideas of John Rawls, and how his work remade political philosophy. Is there still room for his liberal egalitarianism in an age of ideological ferment and social conflict?

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Making History at Amazon  

If they can disrupt the supply chain, Amazon workers could transform an industry that constitutes one of the commanding heights of the twenty-first-century economy.

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State, Bureaucracy, and Rentier Capital  

Venezuela is undergoing a rentier-capitalist implosion, made worse by imperial intervention, violent domestic right-wing opposition, and the fusion of the interests of the state and capitalists within the Maduro regime.

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The Implosion of the Bolivarian Revolution  

Because anti-imperialist discourse in Latin America serves short-term political purposes, the latter-day defenders of Chavismo have little interest in studying the political dynamics and concrete geostrategic interests behind really existing empire.

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The Private Life of Empire  

In her new memoir, Hazel Carby uses her family’s history to uncover the intimate side of the British Empire. Reckoning with its legacies will be the only way to move beyond them.

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Inequality in the Trump Era  

The Trump administration didn’t invent the policies that redistribute wealth and income to the top, but it has doubled down on them in characteristically cruel and petty ways.