Could COVID-19 Change Parenthood?
The pandemic is hammering home the unsustainability of American working family life.
The pandemic is hammering home the unsustainability of American working family life.
Last year, Puerto Ricans rose up against a government that had grown corrupt, callous, and inept. When the archipelago was devastated by an earthquake in January, they mobilized an extraordinary relief effort.
State violence has no opposition party. Communities that want to dismantle police departments will need the power to do that work themselves.
Remembering Irving Howe, the founding editor of Dissent, on his 100th birthday.
Racism shapes how economics is taught and practiced. When we fail to scrutinize neoclassical assumptions, they perpetuate racist outcomes.
Unwavering solidarity with and participation in this struggle for black freedom is a moral and political imperative—with the potential to transform the landscape of American radicalism.
In solidarity with the uprising sparked by the police killing of George Floyd, we’ve gathered selections from our archives that speak to the political concerns of the moment.
Marco Bellocchio’s The Traitor is a smashing movie about the informant whose revelations led to the Maxi Trial of the 1980s, which decimated the Italian mob.
Coronavirus infections climb at the state’s only maximum-security facility for women, and those held there fear for their safety.
The history of rank-and-file organizing at UPS reveals the opportunities and challenges for a union movement of delivery and warehouse workers. An interview with Joe Allen, author of The Package King.
The status of abortion rights and access in the United States is bleak. But a movement for universal healthcare offers the chance to give reproductive rights material, institutional force.
Essential workers need genuine, collective empowerment, not just a monetary reward or a rhetorical pat on the back.
What’s behind the drive to “re-open”? Some state governments just want to return to how they previously used unemployment insurance: not to cushion the blow of job loss but to compel participation in the labor market.
The survival of incarcerated people is dependent on slow-moving bureaucrats and the politically calculating whims of sadistic politicians.
Developing countries face collapsing international trade, falling remittances, sharp reversals of capital flows, and currency depreciation. Only bold policies—debt relief, international financing, planning, and more—will avert further catastrophe.