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The Origins of Anti-Extractivism  

In Resource Radicals, Thea Riofrancos explores how conflicts between left movements and the left government in Ecuador produced a militant critique of the extractive model of development.

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How Do We End Sexual Violence?  

In The Feminist and the Sex Offender, Judith Levine and Erica R. Meiners pull back the curtain on the history of the sex offender registry and explore how we can strive to reduce sexual harm without mass incarceration.

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What Obama Wants to Forget  

A Promised Land is Obama’s attempt to frame the discussion around his presidency. It’s most revealing where it departs from earlier accounts offered by his chief aides and his own previous memoirs.

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Foreign Policy After Trump  

Joe Biden promises to lift U.S. foreign policy up from the low-minded nationalism of the Trump era. But the era of confident American hegemony is drawing to a close.

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Hal Rogers’s Kentucky Kingdom  

The second-longest-serving Republican in the House isn’t as well-known as Mitch McConnell, but he has pioneered a model of political economy replicated to grim effect across rural America.

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Ben Fletcher’s One Big Union  

Ben Fletcher, once one of the most important black labor figures in the United States, has faded into obscurity. But he couldn’t be more relevant to the most urgent political projects of the present.