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Federalism Is Killing Us  

Deference to state governments has severely undermined public health efforts during the pandemic and deepened geographic inequality in the United States.

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The Public Sector We Need  

To have any chance of implementing popular left-wing ideas, we need to restore the capacity of democratic government to serve working people.

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The Return of Lula  

A Brazilian Supreme Court justice has tossed out criminal charges against the former president. His enduring relationship with working-class voters makes him a serious contender in next year’s election.

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Future Monetary Theory  

MMT’s account of the origin of money is a useful corrective to the stories told by orthodox economists. But a deeper history of the social construction of money opens up more radical possibilities for rethinking the monetary order.

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Family Ties  

We’re still living with the punitive politics of family values. A broader, universal vision can break its vise grip.

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The Education Fix  

The idea that more degrees, credentials, and skills will raise the bottom of the economic floor has become an article of national faith. But educational systems can just as easily reproduce inequality as mitigate it.