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Future Monetary Theory  

MMT’s account of the origin of money is a useful corrective to the stories told by orthodox economists. But a deeper history of the social construction of money opens up more radical possibilities for rethinking the monetary order.

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Family Ties  

We’re still living with the punitive politics of family values. A broader, universal vision can break its vise grip.

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The Education Fix  

The idea that more degrees, credentials, and skills will raise the bottom of the economic floor has become an article of national faith. But educational systems can just as easily reproduce inequality as mitigate it.

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A Reply to Aashna Desai  

We must recognize and compensate for the intrinsic political weaknesses of taxation—and specifically progressive taxation—through the alternative fiscal strategy of economic democracy.

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This Is Who We Are  

The rioters at the Capitol are part of an unbroken American tradition. Sweet talk about our “better angels” did not defeat them before and will not now.