Stalinism and World War Three

Editors Introduction: In Democratiya 5 (Summer 2006) we published an article on
the Korean war written in 1950 by ISL member Susan Green in Forum: Discussion
and Information Bulletin of the Independent Socialist League. The Independent
Socialist League (called the Workers Party from 1940-49) was a small American
democratic socialist organisation that published the weekly newspaper Labour
Action, edited by Hal Draper (and, before him, Irving Howe), and the magazine The
New International, edited for much of the 1950s by Julius Jacobson, who went on to
found and edit New Politics with his wife Phyllis Jacobson. Stanley Aronowitz has
justly called the WP-ISL, led by Max Shachtman, ‘the most intellectually vital of all
the radical formations [in the United States] in the 1940s and 1950s.’

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