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Issue 7 of Democratiya is dominated by writing about the State of Israel, the threat of terrorism, and the future of progressive internationalism.

Before 1948 there were 800,000 Jews living in Arab countries, today there are perhaps 8,000. Rayyan Al-Shawaf reviews a groundbreaking account of the mass exodus / expulsion of the Iraqi Jews from the homeland of which they had been a part for three millennia. Written by the Palestinian writer and academic, Abbas Shiblak, The Iraqi Jews: A History of Mass Exodus (Saqi, 2005) is a well-documented account of what Peter Sluglett calls, in his preface, a ‘shabby, squalid and deeply tragic story.’ Al-Shawaf compares the claims of Abbas Shiblak and Moshe Gat concerning the identity of those responsible for the bombings of 1950 and 1951 which played an important role in the exodus of the Iraqi Jews.

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