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Dissent Summer 2018 Front Cover Deva Woodly - Dissent Summer 2018 Deva Woodly – Dissent Summer 2018 Harold Meyerson - Dissent Summer 2018 Dissent Summer 2018 back cover

The special section of Dissent’s Summer issue, edited by Michael Kazin, features:

  • Kate Aronoff on the Dems’ insurgent, progressive wing
  • Karen Nussbaum on rebuilding the working class
  • Deva Woodly on black electoral politics beyond the Democrats
  • Mark Egerman and Sean McElwee on why the party’s leaders should trust its base
  • Harold Meyerson on the party’s future
  • Daniel Schlozman on the Democratic dilemma
  • Cristina Tzintzún on the millennials reshaping Texas politics

Elsewhere in the issue, you’ll find: Bijan Stephen on Donald Glover’s Atlanta, Caitlin L. Chandler‘s on-the-ground report from Sudan on the EU’s efforts to keep African migrants out of Europe, book reviews from Jedediah Purdy, Madeleine Schwartz, and Adam Tooze, and more.

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The Summer issue of Dissent, themed Organizing in Red America, features:

  • Michael Kazin interviews Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown
  • Michelle Chen on Mississippi autoworkers’ struggle for a union 
  • Kate Aronoff on how rural electric cooperatives could save the planet—and democracy
  • Sarah Jaffe talks with Juan Miranda, Sandra Williams, and Eric Robertson about their labor organizing in the South
  • Scott Douglas on the battle for a living wage in Birmingham, Alabama
  • Julie Greene on Nebraska’s immigrant rights movement

Plus: Daniel Aldana Cohen on the new “cli-fi,” Annie Hylton’s investigation into the dirty secrets of the laundry industry, Lucas Iberico Lozada on a Philadelphia family’s fight against deportation, Julia Ott on how tax policy created the 1%, fiction by Ru Freeman, and more.

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