Over the last week, protests with crowds in the tens and even hundreds of thousands have erupted in São Paulo and other Brazilian cities. Protesters have taken to city streets, facing down twitchy, unprepared military police and seizing the steps …
In a recent essay on Seth Rosenfeld’s history of the FBI in the New York Review of Books, Adam Hochschild included a portentous anecdote: [I]n order to eavesdrop on a meeting in [Communist activist] Jessica Mitford’s house, two bumbling FBI …
Josh and Sarah recount the spectacle and ideology of last week’s Walmart shareholder meeting. Also discussed: a GOP effort to pre-empt paid sick days; a landmark legal ruling on unpaid internships; a letter from Elizabeth Warren on trade deal transparency; and two rallies in New York.
All too often, both in the mainstream and within the left, feminism and the labor movement are portrayed as “separate spheres,” two different movements that have different sets of concerns. Of course, this is not true now (nor has it …
On June 11, following threats by Turkey’s PM Erdogan that demonstrators who held out would “pay a price,” an overwhelming force of 20,000 riot police, complete with agents provocateurs throwing Molotov cocktails, cleared Gezi Park in scenes reminiscent of Occupy Wall Street. Like OWS, …
It’s been about a week and a half since thousands of Turkish citizens went to the streets to protest the increasingly authoritarian government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Commentators in the United States and around the world took the …
Istanbul’s Taksim Square rose up on May 29, and the “Occupy Gezi” movement has since exploded across several Turkish cities, taking various forms. Last week, it went on strike.
The last Palestinian legislative elections were in 2006, when Hamas, the Islamist political organization, scored a victory over Fatah, the Palestinian nationalist faction. Hamas took control of Gaza in an event that most Fatah loyalists still consider “that bloody coup.” …
Uprisings in Turkey and the role of labor unions, international actions targeting McDonald’s, ongoing conflict at Palermo’s Pizza, and an independent organizing campaign at an upscale New York deli. Plus the debut of Belabored Explainers! This week: wage theft.
This weekend, Dissent will sponsor four panels at Left Forum at Pace University in New York City. We will address environmentalism, the pursuit of a universal basic income, strategies for a feminist labor movement, and Occupy and the future of …
The first liberal Democratic president took office exactly 100 years ago this spring. So why aren’t contemporary liberals bestowing the same praise on Woodrow Wilson as they lavish on Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson? Granted, if he were running today, …
Many supporters of the Tiananmen movement hoped that the regime would reassess the protests of 1989. A similar set of 1976 demonstrations were initially dubbed “counterrevolutionary riots” but then reassessed as a “patriotic” struggle. But the situation relating to the June 4 Massacre is very different.
The sickening murder of a British soldier in the London district of Woolwich last week has unleashed a surge of Islamophobia across the pond that makes U.S. reactions to the Boston bombings look tame. Most conspicuous were militant demonstrations by …
Dissent invites you to join us at this year’s Left Forum. We will be hosting or co-hosting four panels, described below. Left Forum will take place at Pace University in New York City from June 7-9. Register here to take …
Savannah port truckers organizing; Seattle fast food workers striking; Chicago teachers suing; and a bankruptcy judge’s blow to retired mineworkers. Sarah discusses the new NYC bike share program through a labor lens. Josh talks about the first prolonged strikes by US Walmart employees. And find out how to participate in Belabored’s new explainer!