Trump’s Monstrous Call
In Donald Trump’s campaign, a new kind of unapologetic brutality is coming to the home front.
In Donald Trump’s campaign, a new kind of unapologetic brutality is coming to the home front.
Jerry G. Watts, a longtime contributor to Dissent, passed away on November 16. Jerry, a professor at CUNY Graduate Center, earned his B.A. from Harvard and PhD from Yale University. His essays for Dissent—on intellectuals, politics, crime, affirmative action, the …
The war against ISIS, as it is currently being waged, cannot be called a just one.
Should the left champion jobs for all or advance a basic income as part of a broader anti-work politics? Can we do both? Watch a special panel discussion with Alyssa Battistoni, Darrick Hamilton, Pavlina R. Tcherneva, and Jesse Myerson.
Johnnie Tillmon, activist and chairperson of the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), was a visionary feminist of the second-wave era who advocated for a universal basic income and dignity for all.
This Black Friday, Walmart workers and their allies have undertaken a “Fast for $15.” Belabored spoke with Dan Schlademan, co-director of OUR Walmart, and Tyfani Faulkner, who was in the middle of her fifteen days without food.
If Bernie Sanders is going to win the hearts and minds of the American public, he will need to emphasize socialism’s moral—and, moreover, religious—foundations.
What was missing from Bernie Sanders’s democratic socialism speech and policy agenda is just as interesting as what was included.
Join Michael Walzer for a lecture on politics and democratic internationalism.
Michael Javen Fortner and Marie Gottschalk debate criminal justice reform, Thursday, December 10, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at CUNY’s Murphy Institute.
An interview with journalist Atossa Araxia Abrahamian about her new book, The Cosmopolites, and the buying and selling of citizenship.
If we give in to the politics of fear, we will only harm ourselves and others.
An interview with historian Erik Loomis about his new book, Out of Sight, on the labor and environmental catastrophes caused by our outsourcing of dirty jobs. Plus: the Mizzou football players, updates in the Fight for $15, and FedEx workers on strike.
A new survey reveals just how severely the United States’ pension system is failing its retirees.
The new House speaker’s career-long crusade against welfare, women’s rights, and corporate accountability belie his image as a “moderate” Republican.