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Scarlet Letter Politics  

Those who stand to suffer most from Trump’s attack on Bill Clinton’s sexual history are neither he nor Hillary, but the women linked to him. Their private lives are once again going to be tabloid fodder.

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Bernie Is Not the New Obama—And That’s a Good Thing  

Bernie Sanders’ surge in recent national polls has brought inevitable comparisons to an insurgent candidate whose enthusiastic young supporters took Hillary Clinton by surprise eight years ago. But Sanders’s campaign is of a very different kind than Obama’s, with deeper potential and a different measure of success.

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Trumping History  

The Trump phenomenon is best understood as an amalgam of three different, largely pathological strains in American history and culture.

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The High Toll of Fast Fashion  

The True Cost vividly documents the labor and environmental cost of our cheap clothes. The challenge it poses is direct: how can we stop this? But a deeper question remains: which “we”?