China’s leaders remain determined to control the flow of information about sensitive subjects like the Tiananmen Square massacre of June 4, 1989. But that doesn’t mean simply pretending they didn’t happen.
An interview with historian Meg Jacobs about her new book, Panic at the Pump.
“Being in the streets protesting arouses the public, but afterward, quiet, organized efforts are needed to get your supporters elected to office so that they can actually change the laws.”
Though it’s still hard to judge the full economic impact of the laws, it’s clear that workers in “right-to-work” states face a cascade of disadvantages.
Obama’s executive orders on immigration, currently pending at the Supreme Court, would relieve millions of immigrants of the worst burdens of undocumented life. But no matter how the Court rules, even the immigrants who qualify for DAPA and DACA will remain in legal limbo.
An interview with Eric Fink, a democratic socialist candidate for State Senate in North Carolina, who is challenging one of the lawmakers behind the state’s HB2 “bathroom bill.”
As Jenny Diski acknowledged, describing things as they are—even the unmentionable things—is the first step to making them one’s own.
A recent decision by a Wisconsin judge should help unions by asserting that “labor is a commodity,” an argument that marks a U-turn for labor’s advocates.
Donald Trump’s statements about migration and foreigners should not be dismissed as an anomaly of primary season politicking. From a historical perspective, they express broadly shared although largely implicit ideas about the relationship between the United States and Latin America.
An excerpt from A Full Life: James Connolly the Irish Rebel, illustrated by Tom Keough, edited by Paul Buhle, and published by PM Press/Hungarian Literature Fund. Reprinted with permission. Renewed recognition of James Connolly’s life and work, his triumphs and his tragedies, …
By the early 1990s, the contrasts between the world’s two former Communist giants seemed to far outweigh the similarities. Twenty years later, the countries have a surprising amount in common again.
“Having it all” is not a feminist theory of change.
A conversation with Irish journalist Ronan Burtenshaw about the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising, its legacy, and the Irish left today.
With the presidential election approaching, the Supreme Court has handed Democrats an important political victory—a unanimous 8-0 decision in the case of Evenwel v. Abbott.
While adults worry Trump’s bullying style sets a bad example, white kids are pointing to their classmates and saying, “Donald Trump will send you away.”