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Lenny Skutnik’s Convention  

Over the last several convention cycles, we have seen more and more everyday heroes and victims take the place of politicians on the center stage of national politics.

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Bill and Hillary: Biography as History  

What Hillary needed—and got—last night was a biography reboot. If Bill Clinton’s valentine to his wife was characteristically a bit windy, it deftly painted a picture of her as a lifelong progressive who gets things done.

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After Dallas  

To ask what the future of Black Lives Matter has to do with Dallas is to believe that the killing of police officers is bound up in the actions of the movement. But this tragedy won’t end the movement, because the movement did not cause this tragedy.

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Booked: Our Fellow American Revolutionaries  

In her new book, Our Sister Republics, Caitlin Fitz exhumes a forgotten moment in the history of the Americas, a time when residents of the newly formed United States came to see Latin Americans as partners in a shared revolutionary experiment.

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The Two Sides of Hate  

Omar Mateen’s horrific mass murder last week in Orlando and Donald Trump’s vicious campaign for president both signal an alarming return of sadism in American life.

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Unwelcome Home: Two Generations of U.S. Vets  

In his new book Tribe, celebrated war correspondent Sebastian Junger argues that the primary source of our vets’ postwar difficulties is not trauma from the wars that we have asked them to fight, misguided as they may be. The vets’ biggest problem is American society.