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Undergraduate Unions: The Next Frontier?  

It’s not just graduate workers who are pushing the envelope of campus organizing. Undergraduates like the dining hall workers at Iowa’s Grinnell College are finding creative new ways to win better wages and working conditions, too.

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The Triumph of the 1%  

A new study by Thomas Piketty and his colleagues shows that American inequality continues to rise, with no sign of abating.

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A Call for Sanctuary  

The American public does not support mass removal of immigrants. And by turning cities and campuses into sanctuaries against raids and deportations, we have the power to stop it.

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Trump vs. Hamilton  

The Trump camp’s response to Friday’s statement from the Hamilton cast reveals a dangerous double standard on civility.

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Authoritarian Democracy: A Playbook  

From India to Turkey to the Philippines, authoritarian-leaning leaders of major world democracies have refined a set of strategies to make their countries less democratic. Here are five common tactics to watch out for.