The New Housing Politics
The New Housing Politics
Three new articles on the movements and ideas behind the fight for housing justice.

Three new articles on the movements and ideas behind the new housing politics:
A Housing Economy for the Many by Elizabeth Capelle
Housing is a fundamental necessity, but a growing number of people are unable to afford the cost of living in major cities. To deal with the crisis, we need to roll back the financialization of housing.
The Fight for Rent Control by Daniel Wortel-London
In the early twentieth century, immigrant tenant organizers made rent control laws a reality. Today, with new coalitions gathering strength and progressive lawmakers elected in Albany, working-class New Yorkers have a chance to once again strike a blow for housing justice.
A Better Housing Policy Is Possible by Leo Goldberg
Momentum is growing behind an approach to development that can balance the need for more housing with stability and affordability for low-income communities.