Socialism for Our Time

Socialism for Our Time

A preview of our Fall 2022 issue.

Cover art by Tabitha Arnold

Our Fall 2022 issue, out October 3, features a special section on socialism today—“our effort to take stock of an uncertain moment in the history of democratic socialism,” as co-editor Timothy Shenk writes in his introduction. “It’s a study of a movement that is no longer stuck on the fringes but doesn’t know where it’s going next.”

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In the section: Aziz Rana on our segregation problem; Sam-Adler Bell on DSA’s growing pains; Alyssa Battistoni, Timothy Shenk, David Shor, Nikhil Pal Singh, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on Democrats and the left; and Pennsylvania State Senator Nikil Saval on what socialist politicians can do. Plus: essays by Jaz Brisack, Namwali Serpell, Katha Pollitt, Michael Kazin, Nick Serpe, Siddhartha Deb, and William Kornblum on why they are (still) socialists.

Also in the issue: Sarah Jones on the Clintons’ MasterClasses, S. David on Akon City, Jesse Williams on rural elites, and Nir Evron on Israel’s rightward turn.

And in the book review section: Gabriel Winant on Daisy Pitkin’s On the Line, Jared Anthony Loggins on Imani Perry and Adolph L. Reed Jr., Jane Hu on Ling Ma, Kay Gabriel on abolitionism, Aleksandra Simonova on Putin and the Russian opposition, and Zachary D. Carter on J. Bradford DeLong’s Slouching Towards Utopia.

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