On Thursday, February 27, Dissent and the India-China Institute co-hosted a panel on anti-corruption movements in China and India at the New School in New York. Speaking on the panel were Jiayang Fan (a contributor at the New Yorker), Mehboob …
In a recent review of Louis Althusser’s On the Reproduction of Capitalism, Anne Boyer misrepresents key aspects of his thought. At the center of her argument is the claim that “Althusserianism has been a Marxism for those who prefer their …
This week, Belabored talks to Melissa Gira Grant, whose new book Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work dismantles the myths surrounding sex work and challenges us to think about sex work in the same framework in which we put other kinds of labor. At the heart is the question: should workers have to love their work in order to be able to demand rights and protections on the job?
The work of Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez on the evolution of top income shares has yielded a lasting and iconic image of American inequality: a long historical curve that starts high in the early years of the twentieth century …
Barack Obama is willing to withdraw almost every American soldier from Afghanistan and wants to reduce the Army to a size that would make another prolonged engagement abroad nearly impossible. Under his plan, the force of 450,000 would be the …
Belabored talks to San Francisco-based journalist Julia Carrie Wong about Silicon Valley gentrification and with Jobs with Justice organizer Kung Feng about the response of community and labor groups to the tech sector’s growing presence. Plus, gender inequities in house work, the exploitation of temp workers, and updates on labor struggles across the country.
There is a temptation on the part of all presidents of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to declare whatever games they have presided over a success. Thomas Bach, the IOC’s new president and himself a gold medal winner for Germany …
Argentina is facing an impending crisis with significant global implications. In recent months Argentines have experienced rapidly rising inflation, while international creditors are expressing doubts about the country’s ability to make debt repayments. The Argentine administration of Cristina Fernández de …
Anti-Corruption Movements in China and India: A conversation with Lauren Hilgers, Jonathan Shainin, Mehboob Jeelani, and Jeff Wasserstrom.
Thursday, February 27, at the New School.
Egypt is often held up as a success story of civil resistance. However, as the country has slid back into a repressive and undemocratic state, this success has been called into question. Did nonviolence fail in Egypt?
In news: United Auto Workers’ defeat in Chattanooga, Tennessee, port truckers and wage theft, minor league ballplayers suing over wage violations, the U.S. government’s reliance on sweatshops, the strike by University of Illinois faculty, and why the Congressional Budget Office is wrong about the minimum wage. And Portland teacher Elizabeth Thiel on militant teacher unionism in Oregon.
In Chattanooga, Tennessee last week, we nearly witnessed what would have been a rare occurrence in U.S. labor relations: a fair and democratic National Labor Relations Board election. Volkswagen management had vowed to remain neutral and allow its 1,550 hourly …
For most observers of Chinese politics, it came as no surprise when, at the end of January, lawyer-activist Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to four years in prison on trumped-up charges of “gathering a crowd to disturb public order.” The court …
As Stuart Hall told the story, the New Left began in 1956. In the course of a few early November days, British, French, and Israeli forces responded to Nasser’s closing of the Suez Canal by bombing Cairo and invading Egypt …
Could banking at the post office be a boon to low-income communities and a major challenge to Wall Street? Sarah and Michelle discuss with Dave Dayen. Plus the latest news on teachers and nurses organizing for workplace rights, how Wal-Mart’s anti-labor actions may be undermining its bottom line, a legal victory for immigrant guestworkers, and the crowdsourced sweatshop.