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Sanders and the S Word  

Why does the white-haired firebrand from Vermont insist on identifying himself with socialism, a political faith that has never been popular in the United States?

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Booked: The War on Booze  

An interview with historian Lisa McGirr about her new book The War On Alcohol, and why Prohibition was more important than most people think.

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A Tour of the American Left  

An interview with Daniel Oppenheimer about his new book Exit Right, a survey of the twentieth-century American left, seen through the eyes of six men who left it behind and turned to the right.

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Money Troubles  

Personal budgeting advice promises to set us free, but only on an individual level. Instead we need social programs that would allow any woman to flip a finger to unsavory work situations and domestic abuse.

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Scarlet Letter Politics  

Those who stand to suffer most from Trump’s attack on Bill Clinton’s sexual history are neither he nor Hillary, but the women linked to him. Their private lives are once again going to be tabloid fodder.

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Bernie Is Not the New Obama—And That’s a Good Thing  

Bernie Sanders’ surge in recent national polls has brought inevitable comparisons to an insurgent candidate whose enthusiastic young supporters took Hillary Clinton by surprise eight years ago. But Sanders’s campaign is of a very different kind than Obama’s, with deeper potential and a different measure of success.