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Hillary Clinton’s Debate Victory  

After two weeks of losing ground in key battleground states, Hillary Clinton needed a good showing at last night’s first head-to-head presidential debate with Donald Trump. She did better than that.

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Poland’s Pro-Death Bill  

Over the past week, thousands have taken the streets to protest a complete ban on abortion in Poland, which already has some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in Europe. One of the founders of Krytyka Polityczna explains why she’s taking part in the protests.

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Lenny Skutnik’s Convention  

Over the last several convention cycles, we have seen more and more everyday heroes and victims take the place of politicians on the center stage of national politics.

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Bill and Hillary: Biography as History  

What Hillary needed—and got—last night was a biography reboot. If Bill Clinton’s valentine to his wife was characteristically a bit windy, it deftly painted a picture of her as a lifelong progressive who gets things done.