Tomorrow’s Fight
Trump has put us where he put his followers all year: frightened, in a besieged place, a country we do not feel we recognize, in need of a champion. Now we all have to be one another’s champions.
Trump has put us where he put his followers all year: frightened, in a besieged place, a country we do not feel we recognize, in need of a champion. Now we all have to be one another’s champions.
If any kind of “political revolution” is to continue, the choice on November 8 could not be clearer.
Mark Lilla will deliver the twenty-first annual Irving Howe Memorial Lecture at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, in the Elebash Recital Hall of the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street). His subject will be “On Political …
Jane McAlevey joins us to talk about her new book, No Shortcuts, strategies for workplace organizing, and what’s wrong with Saul Alinsky.
An interview with Matthew Karp about his book, This Vast Southern Empire, and the international politics of American slavery.
A new digital archive reveals the extent of the federal government’s role in fueling and enforcing midcentury housing discrimination.
Joshua Bennett talks about writing poetry after Ferguson.
A fast-tracked trade agreement of this scale, passed by a lame-duck Congress, would be doubly illegitimate.
Journalist and organizer Desiree Kane brings us an update from Standing Rock, where Native American activists and their allies are gearing up for the winter as pipeline construction resumes.
We speak with two Harvard workers, Kecia Pugh and Anabela Pappas, and UNITE HERE organizer Tiffany Ten Eyck about the ongoing strike at the country’s most elite university.
On Tuesday, November 29, join the Sociology Department at CUNY Graduate Center and Dissent editors in remembering the life of Bogdan Denitch.
The Chicago Teachers Union is on the verge of another major strike—one that could be even longer and nastier than the union’s landmark 2012 fight. Public school teacher and CTU activist Sarah Chambers lays out the stakes.
Join us on Thursday, October 6 for an evening of short readings from our Fall issue.
An interview with Mychal Denzel Smith about his book, Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching, and why the language of universalism is not going to solve all of our problems.
The debate may have helped Hillary Clinton’s chances in November. But if she truly wants to set the United States on a path toward greater economic equality, Clinton will have to put class politics front and center.