[EVENT | November 15] Democratic Futures: A Post-Election Conversation
[EVENT | November 15] Democratic Futures: A Post-Election Conversation
A discussion in New York with Dissent contributors Waleed Shahid, Daniel Schlozman, and Lissy Romanow.

Please join Dissent in New York on November 15 for a post-election conversation between Waleed Shahid, Daniel Schlozman, and Lissy Romanow on the Democratic Party and strategies for building left power.
Waleed Shahid is the director of the Bloc and the former spokesperson for Justice Democrats. He was interviewed in Dissent’s fall issue about his work on the Uncommitted campaign.
Daniel Schlozman is the Joseph and Bertha Bernstein Associate Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University and the coauthor of The Hollow Parties: The Many Pasts and Disordered Present of American Party Politics. He wrote for Dissent’s spring issue about biographies of Joe Biden and Mitt Romney.
Lissy Romanow is the former executive director of Momentum and a cofounder of IfNotNow. She wrote for Dissent’s fall issue about the Squad.
Join us to hear their analysis on Friday, November 15 at The Private Curtain at KGB Bar in the East Village. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and the conversation will run from 6:30 to 8. Stay after for drinks and mingling.
The event is free, but please help us meet our bar minimum by purchasing a drink. Non-alcoholic options will be available. Note: you must be 21 or older to attend.
We have limited capacity, so please RSVP here.
Address: 85 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003