Dissent at Sixty

Dissent at Sixty

On October 24, 2013, we celebrated Dissent’s sixtieth anniversary at the United Federation of Teachers hall in New York City. The event brought together readers, writers, and editors, from all over the country and from every generation of Dissenters. We want to thank everyone who came or contributed for helping us celebrate Michael Walzer, along with sixty years of politics and ideas at Dissent. (See the slideshow with photos from the event and press coverage of the anniversary below.) With your help, we’ll continue providing critical and creative thought for the left for another sixty years.

If you weren’t able to attend the event, we still encourage you to take part in our anniversary campaign.

If you contribute $60 or more to Dissent by November 24, we’ll mail you a copy of the special sixtieth anniversary journal given to attendees of the anniversary dinner. The journal includes articles and photos from throughout Dissent’s sixty years, plus an original, 15,000-word history of the magazine by Maurice Isserman. Support Dissent on its sixtieth anniversary by clicking here.

At the sixtieth anniversary event we were honored to launch the Michael Walzer Fund. The fund will address one of the biggest challenge on the left—sustaining thought across generations—by paying interns, writers, and journalists to do their work. If we believe that ideas matter, it is up to us to make this work possible.

If you are interested in becoming a founding supporter of the Michael Walzer Fund please contact Grace Goldfarb at goldfarb [at] dissentmagazine [dot] org.

Read Michael Walzer’s Speech from the anniversary dinner here.

Press on Dissent‘s anniversary:

A Lion of the Left Wing Celebrates Six Decades: Dissent Magazine Connects With Younger Readers,” Jennifer Schuessler, New York Times

A Modest Utopia: Sixty Years of Dissent,” George Packer, New Yorker

Dissent Magazine Turns 60,” Harold Meyerson, American Prospect

Photos from the anniversary dinner: