December Events in New York

December Events in New York

December Events in New York

Dissent Annual Holiday Party

This Friday, Dec. 10, 7-9 p.m.
167 Spring St, Apt #11 (between Thompson St. & W. Broadway), New York, NY

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP: editors [at] dissentmagazine [dot] org or (212)316-3120

Shimon Dotan interviews Susie Linfield on her new book, The Cruel Radiance: Photography and Political Violence

Since the early days of photography, critics have told us that photos of political violence?of torture, mutilation, and death?are exploitative, deceitful, even pornographic. To look at these images is voyeuristic; to turn away is a gesture of respect.

With The Cruel Radiance, Susie Linfield attacks those ideas head-on, arguing passionately that viewing such photographs?and learning to see the people in them?is an ethically and politically necessary act that connects us to our modern history of violence and probes our capacity for cruelty. A bracing and unsettling book, The Cruel Radiance convincingly demonstrates that if we hope to alleviate political violence, we must first truly understand it?and to do that, we must begin to look.

Thursday, Dec. 16, 7 p.m.
Unnameable Books
600 Vanderbilt Ave. (between Prospect Place and St. Marks Ave.)
Brooklyn, NY