Conference on UNESCO?s World Philosophy Day in Tehran

Conference on UNESCO?s World Philosophy Day in Tehran

Conference on UNESCO?s World Philosophy Day in Tehran

At 11 a.m. this Monday, September 27, Dissent?s friends at Reset-DOC will put on an event addressing UNESCO?s decision to hold World Philosophy Day in Tehran. Speakers will include Giancarlo Bosetti, Ramin Jahanbegloo, Nina zu Fürstenberg, Andrew Arato, Farzin Vahdat, Simon Critchley, Nadia Urbinati, Saskia Sassen, and Hamid Dabashi.

The conference will be held at the New School for Social Research?s New Wolfe Conference Room, Room 1103, 6 E 16th St, New York, NY.

For more info, visit Reset-DOC or go to the event page on Facebook.